Spring Boot – Testing

Spring Boot dependency for Testing is bringing exactly what I would have wished for (I hope they would include in the future the upcoming AssertJ).

The dependency looks like this:


and brings in the classpath the usual Testing suspects: JUnit4, Mockito and Hamcrest.

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Spring Boot – Logging

As is the case with any new framework (or major addition to an existing and well known framework) the best way to approach it, work with it and learn it is not to dive head first but rather take baby steps in areas that feel more accessible and can link with ideas/processes/steps you are already following.

Spring Boot is sporting several starter recipes that can speedup your configuration and can be consumed separately to each other.

Let’s first talk about logging.

The best practise is to code against SLF4J, provide a desired implementation (preferably Logback), and include in the classpath SLF4J bridges for JUL, JCL and Log4J.

The process is described here by the person/team that authored SLF4J, Log4J, Log4j2, Logback and all the 3 SLF4J bridges namely for JUL, JCL, and Log4J.

The design we described and we are aiming at is also well depicted in the link above and is provided here for quick reference:

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Let’s now get back to Spring Boot.

The Spring Boot dependency module is the following:


That is actually doing all we want and described above effortlessly leaving our classpath changed by this much:

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